Imagine (4) four rectangular rooms, about 10 feet wide x 20 feet long x 10 feet high. Therefore, you have (3) three interior walls that are shared. For simplicity let's say I have designed the walls to be 8", grout-filled, reinforced CMU walls. Would the "shared" wall be (2) two 8" cmu walls...
I really appreciate ALL the input and help guys. Some of it I knew and some suggestions were very helpful. I am a Staad veteran and have only been running RISA for about 3 months now, I like it a lot and a lot of the stuff is the same, just different syntax and nomenclature. As far as this...
Node number 76 is the problematic node. Currently the only way I can get the model to solve for All lC is to put a Pin connection at that node.
Lunch Time!
Thanks, yeah I've checked all my releases and boundary conditions. I'm applying springs to different nodes as required and it's like chasing a greased pig.
I also tried changing member sizes but it didn't work. This is like a Cantilever condition with 2 horizontal and one vertical brace...
Thanks UcfSE. I turned P-Delta off for that specific LC and I guess it Solved. But I did get the Warning message 1078 that says the analysis was run without P-Delta.
I looked at the deflected shape and sure enough I've got a Node taking off into the ground. It's a node at the end of a monorail...
RISA 3D is performing a Solution of my model. the dialog box says, "Solution of Combination 1 in Progress...
Calculate P-Delta Shears..." RISA is "stuck" in this solution loop and will not stop. What is the problem here? What is the fix? Thanks!