I have a model of a deformable plate with a hole and a bolt that I have modeled as a rigid body.
The rigid body bolt is fixed to the 'ground' by fully restraining the reference point located at its center. The plate is restrained on its far end in z, rx and ry. The corner node on this edge is...
Never mind, I have read up a little on the difference between composite layup and composite section. It seems composite section is more what I am after. Please remove this thread.
I will be doing a bolt-plate contact analysis. I do not care about accurately capturing the through-thickness stress distribution, I am mostly interested in the in-plane stresses.
For this purpose I have determined that a single solid element through thickness will be my model of choice. This...
There is a good explanation of the Raleigh-Ritz method in Structural Analysis of Laminated Composites by J.M. Whitney. The Raleigh-Ritz method can be used for either static, stability (buckling) and free vibration analysis. I am primarily interested in static analysis I.e. calculating the...
The result should at least be converged. If we assume the number of basis functions m=4, calculate the answer, then for m=5 the max displacement changes by more than 5%, the result is quite inaccurate and large safety factors must be taken. Also, consider that the derivatives of the displacement...
Often times a closed form solution is not possible in elasticity problems. For the case of a generally orthotropic, simply supported laminate, there is no exact solution (see Reddy). We must therefore use approximate solution methods such as the RR, Galerkin or FE method.
The problem I am...
I am implementing a Ritz solution for static deflection of an orthotropic laminate square plate. The method is clear to me and actually, I am getting some very nice results.
However, it is often claimed that the Ritz method is highly efficient. I am finding that as I increase my number of basis...