Actually just a pure carrier, no modulation.
I'm looking to measure near-field properties of signals and how they differ between antennas. More specifically I want to see if I can measure the difference in phase between the electrical and magnetic field that exists in the nearfield. That's why...
Thanks for the reply.
I know it's not a free frequency, but this is just for a lab test with low power signals. I'll look out for interference though.
Good point on the receiver vs oscilloscope, will see if I can get my hands on a receiver.
With regard to the matching. Is it needed and if so...
I am looking to do some experiments with short range (< 100m) HF signals using small antennas, but I know very little about antennas and how to make them efficient.
I want to transmit a 5 MHz carrier and pick it up at ranges from 10m - 30m. I want to use small antennas to do this. When I say...