Twinkie I don't really have a spot to upload this file to the web so I'm sorry about that. But to address your question as to why my infiltration is downstream of the wetpond, it is so that we can settle out a bunch of the TSS prior to infiltrating. If I were to have my infiltration before the...
Now using Dyn Stor Ind and based on some other warnings I've gotten, I changed the dt to 0.01, finer routing to 3, end time of 40 hours. Here are the warnings I still get:
(87) Warning: Pond 2P Oscillations may require Finer Routing or smaller dt
(80) Warning: Pond 3P Exceeded Pond 2P by 1.49'...
I haven't had much of an opportunity to work on this model today but I just took another look at it. psmart when you were talking about the routing methods and I was reading help files and kept seeing Default Stor Ind, I thought that that is what DSI must stand for. I am now realizing you...
I think you are misunderstanding me. I was using DSI when I started this and when I got warning 81. I double clicked on the warning to get into the Help menu. Once I was in the Help menu for that warning, I read the following "At some point during the routing, the node's elevation has...
The help message said to try a different routing method. I was using DSI, that was when I was having trouble. So I tried sim-route. I feel like I'm getting closer with that...the pond elevations in the 2 year event I've been modeling were very close to the same. Also the help menus with I'm...
I reviewed all of the info in that link. I also defined storage on both sides of my imaginary wall up to 105. The problem is when I analyze the same event in each pond, the water surface is reaching 102.94 in my infiltration pond and 102.29 in my wet pond. Anything over 102 should be at the...
I do understand all of that but there is no storage above the weir...above the weir, it's all part of the same big wet pond. I attempted having 2 ponds and splitting the storage areas...imaginary wall between infiltration and wet but those two really act together above the weir so I don't think...
Thanks for your response but I'm not completely following you. When I ran the infiltration pond, I got the message that the pond wasn't calculated because the storage volume had exceeded the 102. In one of my trials I got a message to try sim-route and I gave that a whirl too but it didn't...
I have a storm water scenario I'm having trouble with. I have a wet pond, nwl with an 8" outlet at elevation 100. At 102, the pond overtops (weir flow) into an infiltration cell whose bottom is 101. So at elevation 102.1, my wet pond is 2.1' above the outlet and there is 1.1' of water in the...