Hi All-
When i draw a line--there is a window that accompanies
the line with the dimension in it until i hit select.
This is annoying to me--Can anyone tell me how to
deselect that window ??
Thank You----Rick
You are a genius SincoTC
I tried again to move the list to the left
No way could i get it to move--I could move my screen left
but soon as i did a file open and tried it would not move
i could see half the little arrow but nothing would move.
for the heck of it i put my cursor on the top of the...
I think you may be right-
I do not see a scroll bar to the right-
I can see some file extensions disappearing off to the right
I tried every way i know to move the list to the left with no success
any suggestions--- Rick
that sounds like a good deal--make a Macro
it would be nice to have a Macro that would give
you a choice either sldprt. file or assm. file
Those two i use most often however i haven't gotten
into creating Macro's yet.
I guess i will have to look into creating Macro's---
Thanks for the...
When i click on my only option available (Assembly sldasm)
a list of all the different file types available to open
list's above. such as--DXF--IGES--STEP--also it lists-- Add-Ins (*.dll)
just like that--What i really want to do is open up part documents
in a chosen folder--but there is no...
Thank you for the comeback-
But negative--I am useing Ver 2012
I do not have those icons down on
the lower right corner--What i do have when i select
File Open is a selection box with the selection( Assembly-sldasm)
in the lower right hand corner -if i click on it then above it opens
up a whole...
It seems when i go to open a file the choice
given to me is always Assembly-sldasm. Then i go through
choices to get to a part file-sldprt. How can i make
the default choice (when opening a file) be a part
I can't believe it--but screen capture is
also unavailable--it is up there in the Menu
but will not function (tab is greyed out)??
can anybody verify that ver 2012 does not
support screen capture or snapshot??