The problem arises when one uses PCOMP + PSHLN1 cards (Marc advanced nonlinear elements) in SOL 400.....
So in order to obtain the same weight that you have when using the NSM field in the PCOMP card, the first step is to run, for example, a SOL 101 with the following statement (no SPC...
I'm using the MSC SOL 400 for a non-linear transient analysis. I have found out that if I specify a NSM (Non Structural Mass) in the apposite PCOMP/PSHELL field without insert any density value in the material card, during the job-run, the software does not take into account this...
I can't fix this problem with DYtran.... Thus I can't postprocess my output data....
There is someone that may help me?
Thanks in advance.
Yes... I think that it is a problem of compatability with Windows 8.
Luckily Patran is able to generate the x.dat file, even if saves it in the c:/Windows/Temp folder....
Thanks so much.
Maybe I solve this problem.... But not totally.
If I run Patran (Version 2010 64 bit) from the desktop icon, it generate the x.dat file and save it in C:/Windows/Temp folder.
If I copy the Patran icon in the current work directory (setting " %cwd " in the property menu icon), it doesn't generate...