Thanks. The pressure in the groove is not the same as the bearing pressure, though. It is much much lower. That being said I keep the supply hole on the less-loaded side of the rod journal.
They do actually fire at the same time. Puts a lot of stress on the webs of the crank and the fillet where they meet the main bearing journal. But main bearing loads aren't too bad!
Thanks for the Mahle document, I have not seen that one before. I am aware that full grooving really kills load capacity, but the engine is a boxer and the loads on the mains are quite modest. I was hoping that it would still be adequate. Loads on the rods, however, are huge.
Because it is a...
I am trying to work out a design for a 360 degree circumferentially grooved main bearing. My plan was to consider it to be 2 short journal bearings, but I immediately ran into the problem of being off the chart because lambda (diameter to width ratio) is 6. I think this must be a common issue...