All parameters will take a value between 0 and 50 if that helps things. I am currently working on tightening the range and the result I want from the function has to fall between 0.65 and 0.95. I am trying to determine the working range of each of the parameters to achieve the target range. I...
Could you explain maximize function?
I am trying to define the most important parameter, the one that affects the result the most.
Ultimately I would like to create a graph that shows the value of the function with multiple parameter values.
Thank you for your help
Thank you for your help.
I am trying to figure out the behavior of the equation by creating a graph and trying to figure out what has the biggest weighting in the equation (Wd) I believe and the Wb value max is 20 I believe. Any suggestions would be great
I am trying to convert a complex sum created in excel to something I can manipulate in Mathcad. I am very new to mathcad to any help would be greatly appreciated. Mathcad 14 and the excel is as follows.