Hi helpful people,
I'm in the same boat as Yordan, and would find being able to use the felbow.f function/routine very helpful. Does anyone out there have any experience with this? Can you help us out?
Matthew Brook
Hello again,
It looks like I was running into issues when the join + flexion-torsion connector element had the z-axis of nodes a and b aligned. I believe this results in singularities where Abaqus can't figure out what directions the flexural and torsional moments are to be applied. Can anyone...
Hi everyone,
I'm relatively new to Abaqus and am having a lot of fun and trouble at the same time. I am trying to model a 3D multi-body mechanism using beam elements (for now) connected with a combination of hinge and flexion torsion elements. The end goal is to see the resulting stresses in...