hokie66, thx for ur valuable answer, but let me ask the question in a different way,
from metallurgical point of view .. "black steel in contact with galvanized steel embedded under grout" is there any probability to rust.
anybody please advice about reference standard for pressure vessels alignment tolerances ..
in most projects i find such tolerances in project specification (1mm/meter length of the vessel with maximum 25mm), but actually i dont
know such tolerances based on which standard..
note: the...
totally appreciate your answer .. but my question is regardless my client requirements, is it required or recommended by any
international standard or code.
as i see that shim plates anyway will be embedded under grouting and not exposed to air and rust, and in my previous projects i`ve never...
anybody please advice about reference standard for pressure vessels alignment tolerances ..
in most projects i find such tolerances in project specification (1mm/meter length of the vessel with maximum 25mm), but actually i dont
know such tolerances based on which standard..
note: the...
Please anybody advice .. Are shim plates under structural steel should be galvanized?? .. as it`s required by my client and
i dont find any reference standard for such requirement ?