Well, the experts have spoken, haven't they... Okay, so it's most likely the best idea to have the road-guy put in the road right the first time (and maybe then maintain it myself with a little dozer or tractor.) I really *do* want to make this 4x4 monstrosity of a road 4-season-passable. (we...
I'd love to put in an ad for a retired grader, but this land is out in the middle of boo-foo egypt and the only person the grapevine has as a 'grader', retired or otherwise, is the one person who is bidding for the job - at $70 an hour... and he works slowly... and I'm not impressed by his work...
I have a quarter mile of very rural road, privately owned, that is currently mostly muck and ruts with a little washboard thrown in for fun. Can we say, Stuck Truck? The durn thing needs grading and soon. We don't have to worry about permits on this particular project, and the only users will...