I have cropped a circle to desired size, this is all good. When I come to produce the drawing for this part, I want to show the rest of the cricle but dashed. It is not a hidden line as I have cut the line to size in the model.
Hope this explains a little more
I was wondering if anyone could help me with an issue I am having with drafting. I have designed a part and I am now trying to dimension the drawing. I have a radius which is created from a spherical diameter and so I am trying to show the complete circle on the drawing and create a reference...
This may be a stupid question. I have drawn up a part and I am now creating a drawing for it. I have an outer edge which has been created using a circle and then trimmed where needed. I am trying to put the diamenter dimension in, but when doing so, it creates a semi circle that looks confusing...
I managed to solve my issue, I re-designed the part from scratch - putting in the layers as I went along and has allowed me to solve the problem.
Thanks for the help
When I come to extract the body the second time, I get the error message:
An extraction of the highlighted object already exists in this part, due to an earlier operation. Do you really want to create another?
I have been using the 'fix at timestamp' function however it isnt making a difference. It is confusing me a little. I had each stage in seperate feature group and when trying to change the layer, it changed all the operations excpet for sketches.
I was wondering if you could help me. I am relatively new to nx and have read through a load of threads to try and get advice. I am trying to produce a part and create a range of stage operation drawings however I am having issues when extracting the body. I have produced the part fully and I am...