'show best assembly bounding box' provided a nice solution.
But sometimes NX will show an optimized bounding box on fit (ctrl-f). This action is VERY fast. How do I get that functionality in code?
This solution seems to always give the orientation matrix back which is fine for my case. Is there any way to have NX provide an optimized solution with a non orientation matrix and smaller bounding box?
I need the mirrored objects to be the same exact feature types as the original. Even if it were possible to mirror a feature one feature at a time, that would be acceptable.
Everything I have tried up to this point has either created a "mirrored" feature or features that are copies of other features but different feature types. I also loose the names of the features which are needed because of custom software that depends on the names.
We are still investigating...
I am on NX 10.0.3.x
I have a part that is comprised of splines and studio surfaces (no solid bodies). Let's call that orig.
I need to create a new sibling part (called mirrored) that has the exact same geometry but mirrored over a plane (a datum plane perhaps).
The relationships is to be non...
Using the block styler, what is the proper way to add a preview checkbox and/or button?
I am tinkering with the Toggle block but I don't see how to ad the button to the right of it.
"Preserve Shape" isn't doing it. It does seem add extra edges to the sweep though (unverified). Regardless, I was using preserve shape all along and agree that it is correct to have it selected.
Changing orientation to vector axis of Z improved things.
Went from 45-135 degree corner angles to an 80-100 degree range. I have no idea why this is still happening. Tolerances?
For reasons I can't get into, I can't upload the prt file.
The centerline is a studio spline. I create a studio spline with default settings then specify a start point and the normal of the start rectangle as the orientation. I do the same for the end point and end orientation. Then NX comes...
I am having some success by changing the Orientation Method::Orientation to Vector Direction and selectingthe Z-axis. I have to go through the process of testing the results ...... might get to that in a few hours.
I don't know why the Z-axis is works though. Choosing X or Y mangles the...
Here you go:
The edge curves that are visible are just part of the sweep.
I am on NX 10.
I am trying to make a swept feature that can twist and is curved.
The problem:
The shape as it is swept is not maintaining a rectangular cross section perpendicular to the guide's tangent. My worse case so far is that the "cross sections" can be a trapezoid with corners at 135...
I did go down the route you mentioned but performance was bad.
So, I did more digging and stumbled upon the answer (awesome documentation for NX, right).
UFSession ufs = (UFSession)SessionFactory.get("UFSession");
UFModlGeneral modlGeneral = ufs.modlGeneral();
minRadius =...
I am using the CurveCurvatureAnalysisBuilder in code and want to get the minimum radius that this builder creates.
I can get the builder to do the analysis and if I run my code and go into NX, the result is there in the 3D view.
The issue is that I can not figure out the method calls that are...
I don't know if I am coding something wrong or if I found an NX bug.
I have a setlist that refers to a secondary dlx file. That secondary dlx file has another setlist in it.
If I take the primary setlist and create a new row in the list, and add a line the the secondary setlist it works fine...
I have my hooks in place to do some custom save operations when the user saves in NX. However, my code can take many minutes to run so I want to provide updates in the status bar while saving so the user doesn't think NX crashed.
This should work but does not (Java):
UFSession ufs =...