Thank you, Ron. I greatly appreciate the information.
Concerning FRP price, I saw one article which mentioned that it's about 3x the cost of steel but about 1/2 the cost of stainless. Does this sound correct to you? And that's just concerning the price of the rebar, correct? I'm more curious as...
(Because I can't edit a post, and want to be clear):
I'm not disputing that Roman concrete was dramatically weaker than modern concrete due to its lack of rebar. I mean, the walls of the pantheon were *6,4 meters* thick at the base. But, just saying, if they had built the pantheon with steel...
*Sigh*... this is what I hate about asking questions on the internet. You ask for information about something and people immediately lash out at you for not being an expert in the very subject you're trying to learn about. Ugh...
Second, at no point did I say "DIY". I don't know why you'd...
Hi all. I recently purchased some land with intent to build an "unusual" home on it - the intent is for it to appear to be like a cave, with lots of windows on the one or two sides that are exposed (no actual boring into the ground, it's to be built in a natural depression and then filled over)...