Dear Experts
How often should I perform Ferrite Test on Autenitic or Duplex STSTs (Test Frequency)? Should I perform it with every new consumables batch? Should I perform it periodically regardless of any changes? And what are the preferred ranges in terms of FN for both Auten. and DSS?
I have a preliminary proposal:
1- UT Thickness readings at Tie-In points.
2- Preparing all required equipment prior to shutdown
3- Hot Bolting before shutdown
4- Fabricating pipe spools at workshop acc. to DWGs, P&IDs, ISO.
5- Welding at workshop
6- NDT and Hyrdo-Test at workshop
7- Spools...
Guys.. Thank you so much for your help
I have all the data that I need.. now I'm preparing the Method Statement.
1- Scope
2- Equipment
3- References
4- Personnel Qualification
5- Responsibilities
6- Procedure "Step by Step"
7- Safety
8- Attachments "WPSs"
I'm stuck at "6-Procedure" because...
To Piping Experts: I'm new to piping industry, and I would like to learn about Tie-ins between new and existing piping system. How would you suggest a method statement for Tie-ins, both cold and hot tapping starting from spools fabrication at work shop all the way to hydrostatic pressure test...