Tim, thanks for your response but I probably didn't explain what I am attempting to do very well. I want to be able to select all items on layer 256 which in my case is a title block and some symbols and to move them to a different location on the drawing.
Is it possible to programatically select all items on a certain drawing layer (256 for example) and move them to a different location on a drawing? If so, could you please provide a code snippet showing that?
I am using NX 8.5 and VB.Net
Hey thanks Cowski, that worked great for my titleblock but I now have two other objects I need a substitute for, a TableSection and a CustomSymbol. I have tried looking through the Object Browser in Visual Studio but so far have had no luck. Do you have any suggestions for these two?
I have created a VB.NET NXOpen application with a code snippet from a journal. In the application I am attempting to move a title block but the "ID" of the title block changes lets say when it is placed on Sheet 2. How can I get the identifier of the title block and substitute...
Hello SvenBom, thank you for the two options you provided. I will probably end up using the first option you sent but I also find the second option interesting as well. I'm sure I will eventually find both options useful as we become more accustomed to NX.
Thanks again for your responses.
I have created a UDF of a revolved hole that is placed on a cylindrical surface and has the options to select the port size, the option to be placed on the surface at an angle, and to be offset from one end of the part. I have had to use section curves to place the revolved section sketch as I...
Yes I did and that is a really slick way of handling the dimensional data. I have already identified another similar UDF where I can use this same logic.
Thanks again for all your help.
John, that would be great if you could update the UDF to display the actual thread sizes in the Size drop down box instead of the numbers.
Thanks again for all your help!
Hey John, I copied the thread data file to the folder you specified and all the new threads are showing up in the threaded hole drop down selection when inserting a hole feature but when I place the udf in a part it seems that Size #1 and #2 appear to work fine but anything larger than those and...
John, looks good so far. Here is the dimensional data for the larger size threads.
1-1/16-12 1.0625 .981 .990
1-3/16-12 1.1875 1.006 1.115
John, We are running NX 8.5 and I have attached the UDF part file and the dimensional data that will change for each thread size.
I am relatively new to NX and I have a UDF of an o-ring port that I would like to automate using NXOpen or SNAP where the user would pick the thread size from a dialog box and based upon their selection would change the dimensional values of the port to match that of the thread size they...