Hi everyone,
I'm actually designing a the piping BOP for a Gas Turbine and Distric Heating Plant.
Managing the Natural Gas at 65 barg, normally, with ASME, we need a double block and vent.
Where in the EN13480 is possible to find these priciples?
Thanks Duwe6,
I did, at least 500-600 pneu test and I know the risk involved.
I'm just looking for answers regarding the limit...
On my last job I was permitted to reach 862 MJoules, not bad eh?
Following ASME PCC-2, now, with that limit, the safety distance is set about 120 meters....
Hi everyone,
I'm joining the team now with, I hope, an interesting question:
Is there a real limit for stored energy during pneumatic pressure test?
I'm dealing in these days with the Client, in France, in a LNG terminal Receiving.
EN Codes are far from a real answer and obviously we're using...