Thanks, hendersdc. We're looking at doing a coined hem bend or what I've heard described as a closed hem bend.
The insight you provided aligns with what we were looking at, which is encouraging. Thanks :)
Hi Folks,
I'm looking into incorporating a hem bend into a sheet metal part and I'm trying to understand typical process capability that is expected when this form is created in manufacturing. Currently, our manufacturing facility doesn't have the tooling to perform the operation so we can't...
haha, great point Mint.
However, is there a standard that out there that lists this as being required? I'd like to leverage the standard if I could to support this requirement where I'm at.
Quick question for you all, on sheet-metal drawings where forming will occur if the inside bend radius is equal to the material thickness is a dimension or note required to specify this or is it implied? Thanks!
"Engineering is the art of modelling materials we do not wholly understand, into...