The two holes is just a demonstration that the pattern is not the same, the whole pattern is rotated. Also, it is not just flow, it is the field lines that travel though the holes in this plate. For some scale, the original pattern landed a hole directly in the center of the plate, this caused a...
The pattern does change completely. The first row in one image and the second row in the second are off by a hole, its not just a matter of two holes added. This plate controls flow to a wafer for electroplating interconnects for microchips. The pattern is important. Thank you for taking the...
I am using the fill pattern function to create a sprial fill of a constrained circle on a simple circular plate. The holes are very tiny, .026 and the are spaced .129 hole to hole and .129 radially. The parent material is just a circular plate with a diameter of 14.4". When i change the diameter...