sure you can most certainly use quaternions to transform and uses as a basis in 3d, however... using a simple identity matrix and a vector subspace is one standard method of affine transformations. Lastly you DO NOT need datum planes to implement parametric modeling. That was an abstraction that...
"New Post rollupswx (Mechanical)
I think PTC might have a direct modeling software that might be better suited to your workflow than a parametric modeler. "
Thanks for the reply, Datum planes are not inherent to parametric modeling much like parametric modeling is not inherent to datum...
" dgallup (Automotive) Productive in what way? Thinking about a design before drawing random lines is being productive. Perhaps an Etch-a-sketch would be more appropriate for you? It recovers faster from a reboot too. "
lol too funny...... ok tough guy
is there a way in proe to have datum planes not be dependent on features or other datums? In other words is there a capability like Autocad's UCS system where you can just rotate freely and add features randomly without restrictions? and be more productive without having to think 100 steps...