That's a great response and it actually got me thinking. You're right that gound loop current isn't really any different than ground loop voltage.
But here's my question: In a single ended mode, is the potential measured between the two terminals, or from the + terminal to the card ground? I...
Hey guys,
I've been wracking my brain over this for a while now and I'm having a heck of a time trying to identify when to use differential wiring vs. single ended. Basically all our control loops are set as 4-20mA and usually go into a single ended ai card. However, for whatever reason the...
I'm not trying to be intentionally vague here. I think you've generally gone above and beyond answering my question. I really just wanted to confirm that this bypass loop has no effect on the start up conditions.
But you know what, now that I think of it - you're right. If you...
Mike: Sorry, won't happen again.
MortenA: Yes, there is a restricting orifice in the start-up loop. But again, isn't this line irrelevant if the downstream line doesn't have a lot of back pressure? Even if that bypass loop is fully closed/fully open, wont I still see run out conditions if I...
Hey guys,
So I just wanted to post a follow up to the thread I made a few days ago.
So it turns out, the design was incorrect: the pump discharge valves were supposed to open and then you would start the pump with the bypass loop open. So thanks for the help with that.
My follow up for this...
So, I've been having an incredibly difficult time getting a solid answer on this. I'm a pretty inexperienced EE so pumps are not really my specialty.
I'm a bit confused about the purpose of a start up bypass loop. These are centrifugal pumps that start against a closed discharge valve to...