Thank you for your help and a ideas. The oxigen content in brine is around 0,6% wt at 30C but the the sample was not quite representative because the sampling conditions. Regarding the SEM/EDAX deposit analysis (from inlet chamber of air cooler) I have question: is the sampe representative if...
The minimum top temperature (most corrosive due to salt point)in main column on CDU is cca 120 C
Pressure is 1,3 barg.
The pump around reflux is pumped from the third tray to the first tray. The third tray is most corroded.
The corrodents based on the analyses of boot water from the overhead...
Did anybody have experience with corrosion on the upper trays in main column on CDU, made of Monel (alloy 400). Any experience with other alloys resistant to HCl and H2SO4 corrosion but also ammonia/amine attac also.
Any experience about neutraliser, filmer dosage and wash water incection into the O/H line of mail fractionator on FCC Unit. Is it allowed to mix neutraliser anf filmer into the washwater line? What is common practice for injection of neutralizer,filmer and washwater and why?
Thank you a lot SJones. The file is helpful.
In the one process stream (lighter one) Hg level is cca 80 ppb (acording Randman analysis) and I am afraid that that level is to high.
Any experiences regarding mercury contaminated crude oil processing from corrosion point of view?
Is there any mercury limit in crude to avoid overhead fractionator trays (made of Alloy 400) LME corrosion by mercury?
What is the best metalurgy solution for HCl overhead corosion and mercury...
Can anyone define the wash water quality for air cooler washing (FCC unit)if the cooler tubes are made of CS A210A-1,temp is 113 C, preassure is 8,8 bar? Which are relevant lab parameters to monitor and their limits? The aim is to remove corrosive salts of ammonia bisulfide/ammonia chloride...