Its going along a high voltage switch. the 160kA is the amperage that the switch is rated for, for 10 cycles at 60hz.
The design I currently have is replacing the horsehoe magnets with the design above. On the top I would have the left magnets in N, and the right magnets in S. the magnets...
Thanks for the reply. I have Solidworks EMS, but it's not working I want it to so far. I'm only a few hours into it, but the magnetic field its showing me isnt even close to real world. I'll take a look at quickfield
what would be the best way to map out the forces of this magnet? I was looking into buy an EMF meter, but not sure that's going to give me the precision I need. I also grew tired of reading ghost EMF meters.
I'm only encasing the magnet on 3 sides. I'm going to build the assembly below, and do some testing. I've heard that by recessing the magnet, you can narrow the magnetic field. On the assembly below, the top piece rotates around. I want the bottom to be pulled up only when the top piece is...
I'm working on a project, that requires magnets attached to the side of an aluminum casting, with the potential of 160kA pulling through the casting. Not being too familiar with magnets, we tested the assembly with an AlNiCo horseshoe magnet at 75kA. I bet you can guess that outcome.