I'm using Siemens NX11.
I've recently made a flat pattern of a sheet metal component. When I generate the flat pattern view in Drafting mode the automated annotations are generated as usual.
On components that have a lot of bends sometimes these annotations need a bit of tidying up. When I...
I found a part in my assembly that did'nt have 3D data attached to it in Teamcentre so when NX tried to populate that part with 3D it couldn't.
This then translates up to the assmebly, when saving, as an error.
In the end, I tracked down the problem part by:
>Error Produced
See attached for the message.
Design Engineerhttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=bc9751b0-a444-4a3b-a142-48733f9b699e&file=Error.png
I'm using NX8 with Teamcentre 9.
I have an assembly that displays an error message after trying to do an overall save:
"...part is not derived from a multi cad part file."
It seems to save the changes I have made but this error is worrying.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Changes were made to Customer Default. There are no options for Group or Site in my drop down for Default Level.
Where can I access the Template Part info?
Design Engineer
I'm using Siemens NX8. I was half way through modelling a new part when something changed in the way NX runs whilst in a sketch.
I start a sketch on a surface and for example select the rectangle tool. If I then select an existing point (to infer a point to point constraint) NX then updates...
I am using Siemens NX8 and after creating a sheet metal part with a flat pattern feature, I have generated a drawing in draft mode.
Every time I drop in a drawing view of the flat pattern part, NX automatically generates notes that specify bend radius, bend angle and bend direction for each...