Going to be on a job next week testing compaction of a road-base made of fill which includes recycled asphalt. I'll be using one of the old Troxlers. I know I'm supposed to use an offset factor because the asphalt looks like water to the gauge due to the petroleum (hydrogen). I just...
Perhaps my question was not clear. I simply want to know how to figure the oversize moisture content to use in the equation. ASTM D4718 says to do just what you said fattdad, a weighted average. I.e. (percent passing 3/4"*moisture of passing 3/4")+(percent oversize*oversize moisture). But what...
Does anyone know how to come up with the moisture content for use in calculating the oversize correction for proctor tests?
I think the idea is that larger gravel has less surface and holds less water. Therefore, the overall water content of the soil in the field will be less than the split...