Do not analyze and design your model. The following code runs without any problems on my model.
Your element name is the 1001? check it.
I'm confused Please tell me .How to make a .s2k with the MATLAB command? What matlab code do you get .s2k files from SAP ?
ret = SapModel.File.Export????
Hi taha
Nice work you've done.
I'm using this matlab code to see the results. i am using OAPI.
%--------------------- analysis results (for DEAD, LIVE,EX and Comb1) for column 1001-------------------------
ret = SapModel.Results.Setup.DeselectAllCasesAndCombosForOutput;
ret =...
Thanks for your reply.
I think my question was not complete.
I'm working with MATLAB and SAP.
I've linked them together and I need to matlab code to unselect automatic design load combinations.
ret = SapModel.DesignSteel.????
What should I put in place of the question mark?