Thanks Shane,
At the very beginning of this issue, the [highlight #FCE94F]end-user[/highlight] of the refinery has requested my client (the EPC) to get approval from the ASME AI that it is acceptable for the EPC to simply re-attach the nameplates (the EPC prepared a form which the AI was...
Dear Friends,
One of our clients based in Kuwait has 'accidentally' removed nameplates from 5 vessel on site.
I have done some homework and have decided that we (vendor) will need to goto to site to witness the re-fixing of the nameplates along with the ASME AI.
My question is as follows:
We went directly to the AI agency and worked out a payment$. But this was not without it own complications. Data reports were signed just last week.
Good Morning,
I have a high pressure vessel designed and fabricated in accordance with ASME VIII Div.2. The vessel has been hydrotested/painted and the ASME nameplate already stamped by the fabricator and fixed to the vessel.
Unfortunately, the fabricator has now entered into bankruptcy before...