Thanks for the response! And a special thanks for the link. I found a wealth of information on it. I'll take your advice and contact NASA directly. Thanks again.
I'm developing a thermal model of the current Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) -- the Shuttle Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Spacesuit. I've been looking for thermal properties for same but can't seem to find a single source that contains all of them. The best I've been able to find is...
I was wondering if anyone might have an opinion about Small-Disadvantaged Businesses (SDBs). Specifically, an opinion about stability, pay, and benefits. I have an opportunity to take a job at an SDB. The increase in pay is decent (~16%) but some of that will be eaten up by the increased...
Has anyone looked into the effects of moisture/humidity on heat-transfer in air? Specifically, for high speed flow (Mach 1 and above) situations. I'm evaluating heater requirements for a device that deploys around Mach 5. So far, I've only looked at dry air conditions. I'm now interested...
I've done a limited amount of fluid flow problems with a code called SINDA/FLUINT. It will handle multiphase problems -- steady-state or transient. It also has quite a large built-in database of fluid properties in it. I'm not sure how much you are willing to pay for the software, but...
Thanks very much for the info and link. I ended up registering at the following link:
where I found limited thermal properties for Stoody #2. Thanks again!
Does anyone have thermal properties for an alloy referred to as Stoody Alloy #2? I've canvassed the internet but keep coming up empty on properties such as thermal conductivity and specific heat. I've calculated these properties based on a simple constituent relation (i.e., based on percent...
Thanks Melone and Meintsi for responding. Actually, after fiddling around with Excel some more, I was able to get it to do what I wanted. The solution was to first plot one set of data using the X-Y Scatter option, and then manually add the other data sets by going into the 'Source Data'...
Does anyone know how to plot multiple sets of data in Excel that have different X axes. I have data versus time from flight measurements as well as predictions from a simulation code and I want to present them on the same plot. The problem is that the X axes (sample rate for flight data and...
From "Radiative Heat Transfer", by Michael F. Modest, pp. 76:
"The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, formerly NBS) has recommended to reserve the ending "-ivity" for radiative properties of pure, perfectly smooth materials, and...
Much thanks to ivymike and yakpol on your responses! I ended up doing the following (which borrows -- quite liberally -- from both of your suggestions/posts):
Sub LoopGoalSeek()
' LoopGoalSeek Macro
' Macro recorded 4/2/2002 by Valued Gateway Client
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+x
Dim rngvar...
I'm trying to write a VB Macro that will minimize (i.e., drive to zero) a column array of function values. There are about sixty values in the array. To date, I've been manually doing each array value using either "Goal Seek" or "Solver". This would be okay (time-consuming...
Does anyone know where I can find (preferably online) a good reference for specular & diffuse reflectance properties. I have sulfuric-acid anodized, painted, and nickel-plated surfaces. Thanks.
You could just vary the "k" in your temperature equation between the full value (i.e., the true gas specific heat ratio) and 1.0. A value of 1.0 would be used for a completely isothermal or diabatic process. A full value would be used (as you indicated in your post) for a completely...
Thanks for your input JJPage. I subsequently discovered (with a little help from the software vendor) that the problem was due to round-off error. At each calculation step in a finite-differences analysis, there is always some round off. Round-off increases as the number of calculations...
Hello All,
Does anyone have any experience modeling thermoelectric cooler (TEC) devices and trying to predict performance? I've been using a lumped-parameter thermal analyzer (i.e., SINDA) to model these devices for a refrigerator. The problem is that I have to iterate between my SINDA...
Hello All,
Does anyone have any experience modeling thermoelectric cooler (TEC) devices and trying to predict performance? I've been using a lumped-parameter thermal analyzer (i.e., SINDA) to model these devices for a refrigerator. The problem is that I have to iterate between my SINDA...
Hello All,
Does anyone have any experience modeling thermoelectric cooler (TEC) devices and trying to predict performance? I've been using a lumped-parameter thermal analyzer (i.e., SINDA) to model these devices for a refrigerator. The problem is that I have to iterate between my SINDA...