Hi xwb and IRstuff
So far I open the external file, count the amount of lines in the file and store the first two rows in an Array:
OPEN(unit=19,file=filez, status='old', action='read')
Hello all of you :-)
I've got a problem with a fortran code.
I'd like to find a value in the first row of an external file and get the highest value next to it (i.e. 134 -> 4):
130 2 1 CRACK
131 1 1 CRACK
131 2 1 CRACK
Hello everyone! I have trouble to deal with a text file like this:
1.21781250000000 47 0
1.21781250000000 48 0
1.21781250000000 49 0
1.21781250000000 50 0
Hi zwtipp05! Here's my code(Sorry, it's a little bit messy :-)). It's a damage criteria, and I'd like to write the broken elements to an external file.
X = X + 1.D0
IF (X==1 .AND. NPT.EQ.1) THEN...
Hello everyone!
I've got a problem with my UMAT. I'd like to write the element number to an external file if a certain stress is reached. Everything is working fine, but my UMAT writes the every element number exactly three times. Do you have an Idea where that comes from and how to fix it...