Dear All,
I am modelling the knee joint now. I need the data of knee joint load multiplied by body weight ( x BW) for each knee joint flexion. I hope anyone can help me here by recommendating the paper that discused about that.
Dear all,
I am studying the knee joint prosthesis design. I have a medical problem with distal femur and proximal tibia resection. As we know the bone must be cut for arthroplasty. I need the medical information about the allowable size of bone resection. I hope someone here can help me to...
Dear All,
Now I am studying biomechanical modeling of knee joint. I have a problem in creating my model for the simulation. I have tried to google and I found so many models of knee joint, but some of them are in .stl file. I need to convert the stl models to solid one and then I can modify its...
Dear All,
Now I am studying biomekanical modelling od knee join. I have a problem in creating my model for the simulation. I have tried to google and I found so many models of knee joint, buat some of them are in stl file. I need to convert the stl model to solid and then I can modify its shape...
Dear All,
I have downloaded the file from (, but until now I still can not open the file. I really need this file and someone here can help me to solve this problem.
Aceh, Indonesia
Dear All,
I am really new in abaqus. Now I want to try to model FGM material. They said that I have to use UMAT.
Please help me how to introduce UMAT subroutine to the existing script. The example script I also posted below.
# -*- coding: mbcs -*-
from part import *
from material...