Thanks Steve
We have allowed for scour to rock level although it is unlikely given the water depths and hydrodynamics. The HDPE stops at rock. I'm a bit more comfortable with the design for the outer casing. While the HDPE sleeve remains in place, and sealed at the toe and top, we expect...
Thanks for the replies. I've downloaded the life-365 program. It looks like a reasonable approach for typical applications although like any 'black box' type program it would only be as good as the input information. In my case, I have no way of knowing the chloride concentration as I'm in...
Can anyone help point me towards a good resource regarding grout cover requirements for steel piles that are grouted into rock? The original design consists of outer casing piles driven to refusal into rock, and then an inner 'anchor' pile grouted into a socket that has been drilled (or...
Thanks BAretired, that's the case here. It's a dock and we've been asked to review the load capacity during the installation. Thanks to all for your thoughts and advice
We were hoping that too KootK!
I've found some earlier papers on spandrel ledges by Klein and Raths that have some good background on hanger reinforcement/direct tension so I'll start there. Thanks!
All very valid points SRE. Yes, it's a coastal (severe) environment, the SHS are zinc painted and there are two fasteners per connection. The embedment has been specified to be well short of the strand and checked using a GPR first. (We don't like it either to be honest!) It's a...
Thanks very much for the welcome and the very helpful advice.
SRE and retired13, I've attached another image with more detail that may clear up a few things I've left out. The section is through the support though where the localised failure is obviously not an issue so just ignore the pile...
Long time reader, first time poster :)
The company I work for is checking a steel frame that has been retrofitted to an existing concrete I-beam such that the steel strut of the frame transfers load into the chamfer of the bottom flange of the concrete beam. Hopefully the image makes things a...