I am looking into Displaying Sketch dimensions as PMI and created them fine and have them showing fine, but the associated objects that highlight are only the sketch curves. I revolved the sketch in question and wish to add the resulting faces as associated objects, but I do not see that...
Thanks SDETERS...but I'm afraid our standard is the same so that's not it. I've also tried opening my file on the other person's system hoping that it would go with the file, but also no luck.
I am attaching PMI surface finish symbols in NX10 and to keep them attached to dimensions and labels securely I am using a Flag type leader. The only issue is that most other users in my organization do not see the "Flag" option in types of leaders...they only see Plain and All-around. I'm...
Can a PMI Datum feature symbol be attached to a datum plane? (in NX9) It seems like a silly question, but we haven't been able to do it. Instead we have resorted to creating a line and attaching the datum feature symbol to it. Thanks.