I've posted the methane number paper on my website: http://www.optimizedtechnicalsolutions.com/ReferenceDocumenhttp://www.eng-tips.com/ts/GMC2014-Choquette-Analysis%20and%20Estimation%20of%20SAFR%20and%20MN%20for%20Natural%20Gas%20-p.pdf
I forgot to mention that the Cummins Westport method uses the CARB method, I would only recommend using that method if you have a Cummins Westport engine. A better tool is the Cummins Gas Analysis Tool: https://quickserve.cummins.com/gas_analysis_tool/index.html which provides answers similar to...
Please note that the WKI calculation is very different than the calculations generated by CAT GERP. The two should not be interchanged. The most commonly available method of calculating MN is the CARB method, easy but not very accurate, especially if you gas contains significant quantities of...