Could some one give me an insight as to what is the difference between "SS & SST" in terms of stainless steel material ie 416 SS & 416 SST.
My first instinct was that they were the same both SS and SST stands for stainless steel, just written in a fancy manner.
I may be wrong. If you feel so...
Thanks guys again for your time.
Yes i am aware that a higher spec is always better and safe. (by default meets the lower spec requirement)
like Gilmiril mentioned "Is it worth it? "
From a basic design perspective this is the something that can drill you down.
If i were to design the...
A buyer.
Working as a piping engineer, while placing an order would like to know the basic minimum requirements which should be specified.
This pertains HP mud, cement & the choke & kill systems.
Quick question, could someone give some light how to define the PSL, PR and material class for HP fittings, valves, pipes etc.
For PSL level I currently use the flowchart in API 6 A.( Figure A.14 — Recommended minimum PSL for primary parts of wellhead and christmas tree equipment) again this...