Hi to all, I am trying to create a script that will run in CATIA and will take several splines from a geometrical set to create a loft (multi-section surface). My problem as you will see in the picture attached is that the vector of closing point.3 is in the opposite direction. I know how to...
I don't think there is a license issue. I agree with DBezaire. You can also try this. If you cannot find it in there also I am not sure if it has to do with the workbenches you have or you don't have.
I have several splines going from point to point, so lets say that I have 100 splines. One of the points is connected with the previous and the next points with a spline, but the same point also is connected with a third point which is lets say inside the contour that I want to keep (which is...
Hi Jashe. I am also using R19 and the tool you are searching for is in the toolbar called "Generic Tools". View --> Toolbars. Also F5 works in my system too. If it is not there you can probably go to Tools --> Customize --> Toolbars search for the "Generic Tools" and restore its position or...
Hi to all. I have one more question of how can i keep only the outside of the spline attached below. I have tried things like clean contour and power fit but with no luck. I cannot use things like disassemble and delete each one of them manually cause this cleaning process will be adjusted in a...
Hi all. I have a surface model and I want to create the bounding box in order to retrieve the 8 points that create it. I need these points to create geometrical elements such as planes. I actually need two planes for each boundary in x and in z. I have created a script that creates the bounding...
Hi ferdo, I hope for the best. I managed to select all the planes and the mesh. Now I just have to fix my sendkeys cause I am programming in Python and that is all. The "CATIA.StartCommand ('Mesh Intersect')" really helped me cause now I know that I can use it in order to program more commands...
I tried the "CATIA.StartCommand ('Mesh Intersect')" as you mentioned, and I have the window. Now I will need to select all the planes and the mesh. For example if I want to create a plane I will use ........... Set reference1 = part1.CreateReferenceFromObject(hybridShapePlaneExplicit1)...
Hi ferdo and thanks for your response. I have attached 3 pictures. What I have to do is to reconstruct the specific area of a bone from an stl file. In the first pic you can see this area and the main issues. There are several parts of this area that have not been "imprinted". So, in order to...
Hi all,
I have a geometry imported as .stl and I want to intersect it with several planes in order to take the corresponding splines. After importing the file in Digitized shape editor I used the mesh smoothing tool to optimize my geometry. I know that I can use planar sections command and...
First of all I want to thank you both for your answers. This surface was created from several splines which were also smoothed. I used a maximum deviation of 0.5mm and a curvature continuity. In the extremities I used Point as a Start and Tangency as End in order to remove some points and...
Hi all. I am having an issue in simplifying a surface. I used the multi-section command to create the surface (it passes from 30 different splines) and it consists of many thin areas (many edges) that I want to get rid off. I have tried several things such as the rough offset tool, disassemble...