Dear RFreund,
thank you for your consideration but, i sent my file and please you consider it.after that, we must consult together.
dear friends,
i am working in this spreadsheet with excel file . if you like. you can join me.
apparently,maybe it is difficult but i want to solve every column step by step.So, please give your opinion about it .
attached file:
dear Melcao
my purpose is calculation of PASSIVE RESISTANCE (SANDS)B-9 SECTION APPENDIX A AND B -FHWA-if-99-015( GROUND ANCHORS AND ANCHORED SYSTEMS) FOR achieving correct answer in every column therefore please direct me in this way first of all,move step by step in every column and its...
dear friends,
i have suggestion that let's make a spreadsheet same as fhwa-if-99-015 -for sand and define column step by step and we can understand it completlly thank you