I should have made my question more clear. Sorry for the misleading. :)
For my case the hot-tap location will be at the bottom shell course not on the roof. Hot-tapping on the deck of floating roof is a No-No. This is clearly stated in API-RP 2201. In this case will the weight of floating roof...
Duwe6 - thanks for the BIG warning here. Can you please advise why with a floating roof the 3 feet liquid level above hot-tap location cannot be achieved? If OPS can control the roof level way higher than hot-tap location is there still a concern of trapping gas?
Is there any requirements or precautions change on hot-tapping a floating roof tank versus fixed roof tank? I did not see any special notes in API-653 Par. 9.14 for Hot Tap. Please share your experiences. Thank you.
Thanks for your sharing above. Finally hear from API on the RFI submitted. Posted below for your reference. No helpful answer though...
RFI: In API-653 the table 9.1 only lists hot-tap up to NPS18. Is this for a specific reason? For hot-tap over NPS18 which code/standard shall be followed to...
Thank you, IFRs. Yes multiple 18" hot-taps is an option. This is a specific request from client for us to design the 24" hot-tap. I will use the link provided to send out a technical inquiry.
Hi All,
For performing hot-tapping on API-650 storage tanks, API-653 Table 9.1 only list nozzle size up to NPS18. Does it limit the hot-tap nozzle size up to NPS18? For certain cases if larger size hot-tap is needed, which code/standard shall be followed to validate the design?
Thank you!