I have seen the chimney effect pull a vacuum on flare lines after a flare was shut down and no flow remained. This vacuum existed on every flare line with an open bleeder or air gap. The plant was being decommissioned so we were taking the flare system apart. It was a bit surprising how...
There are full blown solutions available if you have money and want to go that route. I have seen eSOMS used before. See: http://www.ventyx.com/en/solutions/work-asset-operations/work-asset-products/esoms.
I say full blown because these types of solutions generally do a whole lot more than...
Here is an example of a H2 6 pack. They can do it with N2 too (at least in Houston): http://www.praxairdirect.com/PXItemDisplay?catalogId=10051&top_category=11501&categoryId=11531&langId=-1&storeId=10152&itemID=66809
Here is a tube trailer although it's not obvious what gas that is...
The bottle does not do any of the regulating. It is simply a dumb vessel that is filled and emptied.
The pressure is normally regulated by common pressure reducing regulators that you provide. You can find them from all of the normal regulator providers (Swagelok, Tescom, etc.). I'm sure...