Thanks, I agree insulation inside and out is not a responsible use of materials. I also feel confident that the R-4.2 duct liner will prevent any condensation from forming, since the duct is not in an attic, outside or other non-conditioned space. Thanks for you informed opinion. Oh and you are...
Because the specifications are a compilation of contradictory information. A better question is why not do what the building and owner needs, instead of trying to make sense of nonsense?
I understand and agree with what you are saying. I am not against insulating the SA duct, but to make a point, I was referring to ASHRAE 90.1 and all current mechanical building codes that indicate it is not required in air conditioned spaces. In the risk of getting slightly side-tracked here, I...
HerrKaLeun: The "resource" that I claim they are wasting is the insulation material. Since no thermal protection is required (conditioned air duct running through conditioned air space) and the duct is to receive 1" internal liner (R-4.2) for acoustical purposes, any additional insulation will...
I agree with your opinion of LEED. If their LEED's REAL motive was to conserve resources, then there would penalty points for installing material that does NOT return a benefit. To me that is a waste of resources. As for the "design team's" decision, been trying to offer the correct solution for...
Well the engineer left. The GC fired their MEP Supt (second GC on this job, BTW) The Construction Manager's MEP guy quit (Second CM on this job, also) So the junior architect stepped up to the plate (coaxed by the GC's electrical Supt.) and decided the SA & RA duct should get lined and wrapped...
@ urgross, Thanks that does bring a lot of light to the situation and since the example given on the document results in a thickness of .15" insulation, I feel comfortable that conditioned air duct in conditioned air space is sufficiently insulated with R-4.2 liner (1" thick). With all these...
Yes, but to no avail. They don't speak Mechanical. One would logically think that if the code does not require duct insulation and R-4.3 liner was being provided the safe conclusion would be it's covered: conditioned air duct in conditioned air space (not some hot attic) with R-4.3 would not...
Dynamo78, Thanks. 1) The ductwork you are talking about was exposed and in it's own air conditioned space? 2) If so, the doors must have stayed open more than closed or the building leaked allowed of untreated air to infiltrate?
Thanks CDXX139, I suppose that is what it will take.
Drazen, I think you missed the point. I was looking for back-up that insulation on duct, that's purpose is to cool, installed in a cooled space, is a waste. (unless for acoustics) Thanks for trying, though.
I have researched it and came up empty handed. I think insulating duct in a conditioned air space is like putting a kick stand on a horse. I doubt there is any available test results on that either. I contend that if insulation was a benefit, energy efficiency codes would demand it, but they...
Thank you for the rapid response. I guess I need to offer more info. This is in south Florida. Heating is not much concern. The temperature difference between the outside and inside of the duct should not reach dewpoint. I am not interested in code articles, I know what code requires. I am...
I know that codes do not require duct insulation when SA or RA ductwork is installed within a conditioned air space. Is there any thermal benefit to installing insulation in/on this duct? I need documentation to prove the point. Thanks.