Hi Jref, I tried the Supco RCO410 unit and the compressor is still not kicking on, same symptoms. I believe the compressor is to far gone. Thank you again for the response. Happy holidays, Andrew
Hi and thanks for the reply. This is for a refrigerator compressor, Tecumseh 1/3 hp. I picked up a 3 in 1 combination cap,relay, overload (Supco RCO 410 its specs: 120v,243-292mfd,22amp for 1/4 to 1/3 hp motor. There is a Supco RCO 810, 120v,145-175mfd,12amp for 1/12 to 1/5 hp motors. Was not...
Hi, I have a bad compressor motor capacitor: 120v, 145-175 mfd, 12amp, will a higher capacitance 243-2worfd replacement work to start the motor? Given that the motor is not the issue. Being of higher capacitance is there risk of damage to the motor? The replacement is ,120v, 22 amp so would need...