thanks for your feedabck, can you please reconfirm again the following,
can we not use the material even if the vessel is not code stamped
What is maximum allowed (MDMT) temperature limit for the material, our service condition is around -85 Deg C and we have impact test requirements.
Why the material grade SA182 F6NM is not permitted under ASME Sec VIII Div 1 while it is permitted under Sec III. Is it because the material meant for piping component for the use in pressure application and not for pressure vessel purposes such as casings.
I understand the above material is...
Is it possible to do TOFD on Cir Seam joint involving shell and head.
Shell material : CS
Shell Thickness : 200 mm
Head Material : CS
Head Thickness : 100 mm
Joint with 1:4 Taper
And what should be the qualification block thickness ( is it based on head or shell thick )
Planned to do TOFD...