I'm comparing a OTSG baffled and an ideal OTSG without baffles and pure counter current flow. I've more heat exchange correlations for shell side of the baffled case (locally cross-flow) but none for the no baffled tube bank.
Does anyone has suggestion about pure counter flow outside a...
Can anyone suggest to me the U (or UA) values/curve of an available water-to-air fin tube heat exchanger for industrial purpose (drying of cereal large size: 200'000 ton/hr of air - 3000 kW ).
The production pipe is inside a concentric casing system. I need only simply model for MS Excel to do a rough approximation of the temperature drop between bottom-well and wellhead and I thought to use a multilayer cylinder-conduction model.
I need help for an economic evaluation of a geothermal problem. I'd like to know if, in your experience, the temperature of water at wellhead point could be considered close to the bottom temperature of the well (or with difference < 1 °C). The well is 1500-2000 m, the bottom temperature is...