Hi guys,
I'm working on a two-phase flow loop (water+air) and I'm estimating the pressure drop through a horizontal pipeline. I need to know how to calculate the operating pressure of the flow loop since I have a pump and compressor. Is there something called "equivalent operating pressure" of...
Latexman, I measured the density again using a modern device and I got 1.158(g/cm3) 1g and 1.1349(g/cm3) 2g. The concentration 2g/L is the maximum my flow loop can handle because I couldn't reach to the highest flow rates when the 2g fluid was flowing through the loop.
I found good topics...
Thanks a lot for a quick response.
Yes the velocities were the same for both. The purpose of the work was to compare the pressure drops at the same rates. The xanthan gum solution gets less viscous as the shear stress increases so, when we increase the flow rates, the shear stress increases...
I did some experiments on Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids measuring the pressure drop through a horizontal pipeline. The Newtonian two-phase flow was water+air and the non-Newtonian was (water+xanthan gum)+air.
I prepared 2 samples (2 concentrations) of the xanthan gum solution 1g/1L...