it's the first time i want to set the calculation option to INCORE. But I dont find right place to insert the command. Are somebody so kind to tell it to me? Is it same for BSCOPTION and DSPOPTION?
I want to the change this cause of i've a very slow hard drive and enough cores and ram...
iam using python script for postprocessing. i want to read the displacement of a node. but my modell has many parts included. in gui iam using the query for reading the node, where i must pick the part to find right the node.
steper= session.openOdb(name=odbName).steps[StepName]
Best Man. Many thx!
If a further question: i have some print outs in the script. can i save these outputs (shown in abaqus windows) to a file?
edit: i have problem. i want to start test the batch file but after the first merge the file closed. All commands after the first abaqus...
i have many job.odbs which i should combine in order.
I know the command: abaqus restartjoin originalodb=test.odb restartodb=test2.odb copyoriginal (a)
I also know the possibility to copy the interest values of the odb "by hand"(python script).
But i am searching a way to call the...
i am searching a method to find the node number nearest a coordinate.
is there a method to find out which node is nearest to special coordinates?
best regards
I want to restart a job after a step. Doing it in the cae viewer works well. But i need to restart the job many times. So i want to implement a python script.
By Creating a Macro, i got the commands:
mdb.Job(name=JobName, model=modelName, description='', type=RESTART...
i use BC/Rigid Body as a forming tool. i want to change the translation adaptively by a python script.
is it possible to change this during the simulation?
or should i do many small simulations? How can I start a second simulation on the deformed mesh by python code?
i'm using abaqus in project. The core of the project is about curving a plate with different fixed loads. To achieve the right deformation the loads must be adjust while the simulation.
I have to different aaproaches:
1) Pythons Scripts - calculate one job, reading the displacements...