OK, thanks a lot. This is exactly what I'm going to do - installing pressure regulator below X port for lowering pressure at P (what they call unloading). I think I was confused by the valve pic and two triangles at port X - white and black. I thought black one represents some excessive supplied...
Yes, this is clear for me, thank you. But I still can not get what do they mean by saying in the last sentence of description - the pressure relief valve can be changed over to another pressure (second pressure stage) via port X.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm trying to understand how the valve works with different pilot pressures. The description says ports P and X are connected via orifice 4 (not separate).
Also it is said that the valve can be unloaded or changed over to another pressure via port X.
Imagine the...
Hi, I'll appreciate any advice on this.
Let the spring 9 cracking pressure setting be 400bar. Main line pressure P is 300bar. What pressure do we need to supply via pilot port X to overcome spring 9 setting - 110bar or 410bar?