The code defines Ry as " Ratio of the expected yield stress to the specified minimum yield stress, Fy". For A36 that number is 1.5. My question is should I increase the entire curve or factor the minimum yield point and adjust the latter points to converge with the non-factored data?
I am looking for multiple values along stress strain curves for ASTM A36, A325 , and A304 SH1. I am trying to model the behavior in a program and so I need various values to make a more accurate curve. If anyone could help me and point me in the proper direction to some documentation with...
I have a model created that that has a fixed end on one side and a tension load on the other end. There are various bolts that are in shear on this assembly. I have attached a screenshot of the model. I am trying to model the stresses in bolts and get them to fail in shear. What keeps...
What type of loads are being applied? What is the application of this beam? It might be better to use a galvie beam instead of SS.
Depending on the loads applied you need to check lateral tortional buckling, flange local buckling, web crippling, shear etc.
Yes the geometric properties of it remains the same. The Z is the plastic section modulus. It's the current standard now in place of the section modulus. It allows for a more efficient beam design.
I understand.
If you go to you can download an excel file with all the steel shape information as far as cross section goes. As far as the elastic modulus goes with all steel there is a range however the standard value can be applied to SS as well. If...
Find the moment created and figure out the tension required by the top angle. Assuming this is static loading and the load conditions will never change you can then design the bottom angle for the shear forces.
I am confused as to why you don't want to use the AISC design guide. That has great examples to get your feet wet. All you would have to do is change material properties.
I am using Abaqus for research and I am having a hard time connecting to the required server to access the license when I am not hardwired on site. Its a VPN issue and not the topic of this post. I bring this up however because this is the reason I want to start using Abaqus through the...
I just read into the commentary and it discusses adding in stiffeners or a doubler plate. I missed this my first read through. If anyone else had any other ideas I would like to hear them still though. Thank you.
I am designing a plate girder for a crane rail system. I have the moment and shear envelopes and have started the design. In the 14th ed of the Manual section J10.3 There are two (2) cases, when the compression force is greater than or equal to d/2 and when the compression force is less than...
Thanks everyone I will definitely keep the portal frame in mind for the future. I ended up going with a simspon strong wall. This required them to adjust the garage door spacing but it worked in the end.
I am taking a structural dynamics course and I have been asked for a small assignment to graph a function, graph the Fourier Transform, then graph the inverse Fourier Transform. I have heard that the FFT and IFFT is not as accurate as using the Fourier Transform. I just want to know if that is...
When designing a residential garage there is usually an issue with the front wall (the one with the garage doors) being able to resist the lateral wind loading. Depending on the situation this is taken care of with either a wooden shear wall design or steel moment frame design. I would like to...