Hey guys!
I am trying to do steady-state direct dynamic analysis of a cantilever beam at one particular frequency. I want a plot of various quantities (acce, displacement etc) vs time but i can't seem to change the default option of "frequency" for X-axis to "time period".
It just shows a...
@corus thank you very much. with this idea in mind, im sure ill understand the two perfectly.
@mustaine will check them out and get my doubts cleared if any; thanks! :)
@IceBreakerSours yup. i am new to this forum. will read the two posts. thank you !
hi all
I started using Abaqus recently for my summer internship. I dont seem to clearly understand the dependent and independent part instances despite reading about them in the abaqus tutorial site.could someone please explain them to me in simplest possible way? do cover their...