I've found in the Abaqus GUI Toolkit users manual that you can register a function with each object repository that is called whenever an object in the repository is created/edited/renamed/deleted. This is done using the .registerQuery function on the repository in question. Now, I'm off to...
**Forehead slap**
My friend, that is a very good suggestion. I guess I've been staring at this problem for too long, I couldn't see the forest through the trees! That should work well to determine when changes occur (and to have an idea as to what changes they were), and it probably won't be a...
I'm new to Eng-Tips, so I apologize if this question doesn't completely fit in this forum. Any redirection to a more appropriate site would be greatly appreciated.
I'm working on an add-in for Abaqus/CAE using the Python interface, and I need my software to detect when changes to the model...