Are there any UMAT repositories online where one can find common material models? I searched online on my own but couldn't really find much. As such I am looking for a neo-hookean damage progression model, but basically any open source model should be helpful to get started.
Hi all,
I have a model in abaqus in which I have applied a cyclic pressure load using the periodic amplitude option. I am writing a usdfld subroutine in which I need to access the value of circular frequency in my code. Is it possible to do that somehow in this subroutine, or would I have to...
Well, I figured out this problem. It turned out to be a stupid mistake, but I'll share here nevertheless, might help another newbie somewhere who may make the same mistake. I didn't know that I was supposed to specify the initial time increment, and my default time increments were too coarse and...
Hi IceBreakerSours,
Thanks for your reply. I cannot find any 'Pressure' option under the option 'Forces' when I select the history output option. I found a 'PRESS'(pressure) option under stresses, but I don't think that is the right one as I read on some other thread. I also tried one of the...
I am trying to apply a cyclic loading (pressure loading) to a simple cube with 27 elements in the form of Asin(wt) in abaqus. Based on what I read on this forum and other forums as well as the manual, I used the Periodic option in Amplitude to do this, with the parameters set as follows -...