Thanks x 10^E6 georgeverghese
Sure I will interrogate the vendor till I am satisfied.But the technology looks like its up for this challenge.You would think the probe is an RTD temperature probe... no gas sample drawn from the process. I will consider duplex sensor option due to high probability...
Thank you georgeverghese for your advice. Indeed I shall have a closer look on the time delays and their effect. However as I have noted earlier I am also looking at employing an in-line, Mettler Toledo, oxygen probe that not require sampling and conditioning system. My thinking is that since...
Thanks for your valid observations and advice (& the frightening past experience with Oxiders). I am specifically a C&I Engineer with a strong chemical industry background and working along side a team of versatile Chem Engineers who take the lead in the design. However where I am...
Thanks a lot georgeverghese for the pointers.
I will check on the N2 purity.
At this stage I have only considered having Detonation/Deflagration Arresters on the vent header piping and not at tank level. I will relook at that. We have considered steam tracing and insulation to discourage...
Thank you for your advice.
Well using Natural gas is not an option for me both on viability and cost. The natural gas equally displaces O2 in the waste gas stream like N2 does. So I assume that as far as the RTO vendor that boils to the same thing - less than optimum O2.
So far I had...
Thanks Latexman,
I am glad you understand my predicament! Now the challenge is that Coal-Tar is a complex mixture of short & long hydrocarbon chain compounds and the issue of Vapor Pressures is as complex as the mixture itself just like for bitumen or crude oil. That said, how best do we...
Thanks a lot Dejan for your advice. Well appreciated.
My understanding is that at the end of the day, the API guidance will not help me determine the concentration of Nitrogen and of the VOCs in the waste gas stream. Since with inerting, the waste gas stream is now devoid of oxygen and only...
I am currently working on an emissions abatement project that will involve extracting vapor streams of Volatile Organic Compounds from various tanks and sending them to a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) for incineration before discharge into the atmosphere. The tanks/vessels will be inerted...